Monday, 25 October 2010

The Active Way

ok so having thought about my project a bit more and being reminded that there is more to my project than iPhones and Pac-Man i was give this link

basically this group go around a city a stick loads of bar codes that can be scanned by your phone which takes you to a web page and you get points now the link to my project might not seem clear but both this and my project force the user to physically move to play.

now this isnt a new concept but it is a something that has become big business in the last few years.
The Nintendo Wii is a clear example of this the players have to move in some way shape or form to play the games, the same goes for the new Playstation move same thing as a wii remote the system tracks the remote and soon their will be Microsoft's Kinect which tracks the players whole body so where as Nintendo and Sony only follow the players hand\s Microsoft are following the users whole body meaning that users are forced to play the games actively and not just wave their hands about.

this concept fits in with my project the user has to move down the streets around them or they will not score any points i guess a user could use a car but thats not safe
(could add a speed monitor so if a user starts moving to fast ie in a car could end the game stating they are a cheater?)

Monday, 18 October 2010

Apple Help

Apples developer centre has loads of helpful information coding help and forums plus a section on web app development

web app page

iphone safari help and example code

developers page has helpful videos,guides and updates about everything to do with making websites for safari

this is basically a help and resources link page that i will be using and going through every time i get stuck while making my app

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Google API help and examples

has many tutorials and helpful information on the google maps API and also has some good examples that

have elements of what will be in my final app

with the latest version of the API there is a line of script that tells the map if it can use GPS
(<script type="text/javascript" src="">)

this site explains how to give a web app the look of a native app
like how to hide safari components

in depth tutorial

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


from looking on the web ive found that a group of researchers made a virtual reality version of pac man using glasses that displayed virtual objects in front  of the 'players'  the system uses GPS,bluetooth, and a local network to link all the players together and establish their positions.

Pac-Man classic arcade game enters augmented reality

there already is an app for android smartphones that uses AR to display a pac-man style game the only issue with this is that the collectable objects are not displayed in front of the user but displayed in the centre of the users location thus the user needs to in the right position to get the full affect of the VR

where as with an app that uses a birds eye view or map view the user just needs to be at that location because the systems uses a vague position of the user

Monday, 4 October 2010

idea + route

main idea: real life pac-man style game for the iPhone, which uses the users current location as the game map.
i will build this app in one of two ways either natively in objective-c using xcode or using the google maps API in a web site formate then give the illusion of an app.

starting my project

This blog will be a recored of my work towards and on my major new media project. i will be using it post ideas, research, links, images and work progress and problems while undertaking this project.