Thursday 23 December 2010

3 steps forward 2 steps back

ok so found out a few good things there is a site called which u upload a web site in .psd formate u have to name things a outlined way but the site then codes it up for you u can even add a blank layer so it knows its for iphone and it will add all the iphone attributes also adds the ability to to have multiple pages load in one window have started to play with this site. can do something similar with jquery which is mentioned a lot online for web app development, seems to be a massive css and js library. one other way to have multiple pages load on one page i found was to make it one page then hide parts of it so when buttons are clicked it hiddes and revels the 'pages'. still having problems with the core game mechanic but getting there slowly

Monday 6 December 2010


seems i mainly put issues up on this blog but still having a function issues im trying to have to functions that get the same information on gets the users location to centre the map and the other follows the users location to solve this im basically reformatting my code and making more var and functions so making my code more complex but easier fun.

Thursday 2 December 2010

road mapping

so after a lot of searching a very nice guy called larry posted this link on the google code forum
now it is basiclly what i need to place all my colletables on the screen however, to do it to the zoom level i want it may take a while to load and it may miss roads but that not too much of an issues.
one issues is that the google direction tool has a quota so the app may stop working with exstended use however this app is going to be made for walking use so a user would prob have to use the app for a few hours for the quota to be reached.